Matchplay on handicap
First round to be played on the 30th March (unless played prior)
Mark Hussey vs Kelvin Rapson
Martin Bisset vs Leigh Jackson
Ron Barrow vs Dave Mumby
Mike Nixon vs Allan Abbott
Graham James vs Baz Woodcock
Barb Cornor vs John Barron
Andy Beard vs Trevor Ballantine
Gillian O’Kane vs Allan Campbell
Steve Cornor vs Andy Fallaver
Mike O’Kane vs Neil Forlong
Barry Butters vs Antz Larkin
Steve Kerfoot vs John Barker
Willie Thompson vs Shane Benge
Shirley Christall vs Percy Edwards
Matthew Carroll vs Pat Gray
Craig Edmonds vs Tony Cox
If you need a phone number/email to organise your round ask Rodney or Baz in the office.